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A little something about The Stute

Many of you have undoubtedly noticed that, in the past two weeks, there have been a few errors on The Stute. I went through the week hearing everyone: “There is an error in this week’s issue” or “how could you not see that?” Yes, I know. There was an oversight on our part, and we were rushed for time.

But, rather than refute these claims (they are true, we need to do better), allow me to explain a little something about The Stute. While you look at the newspaper, and see it glaring with errors, I see a beautiful masterpiece, with a small coffee-stain. Did you know that on Wednesday at noon, that whole canvas was blank?

Do you ever consider this? Only ten or so people actively contribute to the newspaper? I’ve looked through the history-books, it has always been around that number. We’re currently on the lower end of the mean, but all the same. Ten students, every week, set aside some time to create this paper, some more than others.

Why do we do it? Ralph Moscato, the former Editor in Chief, explained that it was “for the people”. While I agree that our communal net is tight and getting tighter in both friendship and family, this is not why I am on The Stute. No, I am here for the sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

I find it absolutely miraculous that a bunch of students can come together each week and record Stevens History the way we do. Some of us put aside over 20 hours a week, free of charge, just to help out the paper. I don’t even know if they like what they do. It isn’t easy stuff, rushing towards the deadline with no sense of certainty if we’ll actually make it. Some people even hate journalism. I know I don’t love it, even though I write for the newspaper. But, in the same sense that I dislike Congress, I still understand its importance to the stability of the nation. Equally so, a Stevens without The Stute just wouldn’t be the same.

I congratulate the new E-Board for their continued determination to run this crazy ship. I applaud our consistent members for their constant contributions. It is not easy to do this while maintaining a “normal Stevens schedule”.

There are individuals and groups who will disagree with my disposition about this. “Still, how can you make such a glaring mistake?” or “Why don’t you just get more people?”, the truth is, mistakes will always happen, some more frequently and others less frequently. We can’t ‘just get’ people, anyone who is in a small organization knows that people usually don’t just show up to your doorstep and moreso for the newspaper club. We work hard, and while we are working on making our office a fun and exciting place to work, it really isn’t for the faint of heart.

Even if we make mistakes, which will happen to any organization with human involvement, I know for a fact that our ability to get a paper out for every Friday alone is still a feat that some paid professionals still struggle to do.

You can criticize The Stute, I’ll understand, we’ll understand. In fact, we welcome it, because how else can we improve? But, I implore you, when you read The Stute, take a moment, see it with my eyes. The eyes of a proud Michigan man looking upon a hard day’s work. I will always regret that one smudge here or that one stain there, but that doesn’t change the fact that the creation was created.

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