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It has been a long time coming, but we are proud to say that our new website is now up. After switching content management services and working out some internal issues, you can now get all of our content on your computer, tablet, or phone, in addition to traditional print.

As well as restoring our online presence, we believe this will help to improve our internal article submission and editing processes.

We are still tweaking the design and layout of the site, however, this will not impact our readers ability to keep reading. All articles will be posted weekly as usual. It’s important to us to optimize the site and find the best possible way to present our content to our readers. If you have any suggestions about particular areas of the site, or would like to provide additional feedback, please let us know.

As always, we encourage our readers to interact with our content, and if you feel strongly enough about a given topic, we encourage you to write a comment or submit a Letter to the Editor. We are proud to be a medium for the Stevens community to express their opinions.

Lastly, if you have not already, follow The Stute on our various social media sites, or sign up to receive email notifications from our new website.

We would like to thank all of our readers for their continued support and we’re excited for our future growth.

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